
Harm caused by edible oil rancidity

Edible oil rancidity body will bring big harm. For example, the loss of a large number of unsaturated fatty acids; many intermediate products of oxidation - into the body of free radicals damage the body's tissues and cells, thereby causing chronic diseases and aging effects, and even cancer; long-term consumption of rancidity of fats, can lead to a lack of essential fatty acid and a series of symptoms; when processing rancid cooking oil, other foods can also unstable to oxygen vitamin destruction.


Eat peanuts and peanut oil can lose weight without rebound

Nutrition experts found that high-quality peanut oil and other peanut products has a nutrient called folic acid, it contains a lot of monounsaturated fatty acids, can increase the heat dissipation, burning harmful cholesterol, reduce high blood lipids.

Therefore, in recent years, the United States, Britain, Australia and other countries nutrition experts emphasize the peanut and peanut products can effectively help people control weight and prevent obesity.

I heard some people to lose weight, eating simply hold oil, this is really more effective? New research of foreign experts rejected this approach. In fact, the proper selection of edible oil varieties, often eat peanuts and other nuts, nuts and other edible peanut oil, not only will not make people fat, but also so that people can get the full nutrition in the diet, but do not worry about gaining weight, so weight loss becomes get easier.