
Camellia oil can replace olive oil

Camellia oil and tea seed oil, derived from the seeds of oil tea tree. In Hunan, Jiangxi and other places of hills, mountains and plains are oil tea tree, camellia oil has almost become a beautiful symbol SOUTH local culture.

Advantages: camellia oil unsaturated fatty acids up to 85% to 97%, higher than any oil, and oleic acid (a kind of mono-unsaturated fatty acids, help to reduce blood "bad cholesterol", raised one of the "good cholesterol "beneficial for controlling blood lipid) content of about 80%, even higher than olive oil. Camellia oil in nutritional value, therapeutic function not inferior to olive oil, and the price is cheaper, can be considered inexpensive, it is also known as the "Oriental olive oil." Camellia oil have good heat resistance.

disadvantages: camellia oil polyunsaturated fatty acid content is relatively low.

Recommendations: Currently, some small oil pressing workshop take indigenous oil hot press method, there may be impurities, nutrition loss of large, easy to mold and other issues, we recommended to buy big brand camellia oil. Camellia oil for everyday cooking, can be used as salad. Camellia oil for soybean oil, corn oil containing polyunsaturated fatty acids with fat.

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