
Instruction of olive oil and tea oil

Olive oil

Its advantage is that monounsaturated fatty acid content of up to 70%. Research confirmed that while polyunsaturated fatty acids can reduce cholesterol, but it is easier to cause oxidative damage in the body, excessive consumption of the same is not conducive to good health; less susceptible to oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids, but easily lead to increased blood lipids. Monounsaturated fatty acids to avoid the adverse consequences of the two, and has good heat resistance. Olive oil can be used to cooking, can also be used cold, the drawback is vitamin E is relatively small.

Tea oil

More than 90% unsaturated fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids as much as 73%, a certain amount of vitamin E, useful in the prevention of cardiovascular disease. It is resistant to storage, high temperature, suitable for use as a cooking oil and frying oil.
palm oil
See more details about palm oil mill from: www.palmoilmills.org


How to eat oil in a scientific way?

Grease is one of the six elements of the human body, essential substances of the body's growth and development and life-sustaining activities, and its main function is to provide the energy needed to dissolve fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, K. More importantly, it provides essential fatty acids.

From the nutritional point of view, the adoption of food to get fat needed by the body is more healthy than eating edible oil.

In daily life, mainly oil is for cooking food. Oil played a role in the conduction of heat in cooking, it is possible to improve the taste of dishes. Therefore, no intake of edible oil will not have much impact on health. On the contrary, many people tend to excessive intake of fat, which brings the health risks.

Because the human body needs only 25 to 30 grams of fat per day for the standard. In addition to culinary delights, in fact, we usually eat cake, bread, cookies and other foods which are also very rich in oil, an inattentive, body fat intake may be exceeded.

See more details about palm oil mill: www.palmoilmills.org


How to use bulk oil properly?

Vat package edible oil are relatively affordable, can be in the use of direct raw dump bucket for a lot of people, repeated openings likely to cause oxidative deterioration of oil, the oil is not easy to control.

How to do

The big barrels of oil poured into the cup with a lid or lecythus for everyday use, put the unused large barrels of oil in the shade, and tighten the lid.

See more details about palm oil machine: www.palmoilmills.org


How to reduce oil when making salad?

(1) Use oil-free or low-calorie sauce: You can use some of the fat absorption inhibition of salad dressing.

(2) cut into chunks ingredients as possible: If slicing process, it will also increase the surface area of food, increase oil consumption.

(3) fully washed lettuce: The spices can reduce fat absorption, make the salad taste cool light.

See more info about palm oil mill: www.palmoilmills.org