
Can corn oil color changed be eat?

Measure the oil is safe or not, color is not a reliable indicator.

Edible oil color reversion occurs, the best thing to detect indicators are peroxide value of oil, to see whether excessive, if only due to the normal oxidation.

Only by eyes can not determine whether the deterioration of oil.

If necessary, you can find a professional testing organization for testing and then make decisions.

For ordinary consumers, they can smell to assist judgment.

If there is a rancid smell, even slightly, it should not continue to use, peroxide will cause harm to body.


Children should be chosen to replace the use of a variety of edible oils

Born within six months, the baby has not yet begun to add a food supplement, obviating the need for oil. 6 months to 1 year old, you can add a little oil at the time of making baby food supplement. For example, in a variety of porridge, noodles or small, a few drops of it.

In 1 year to 3 years old baby, all the food baby can eat basically, advice you can give a child a little fried vegetables and meat, eat the total oil is 20-25 grams per day. Aged 3 to 6 years old, can be increased to 25-30 grams per day.

In addition, the first condition of the healthy growth of the baby is comprehensive nutrition. Therefore, cooking food for children to choose from a variety of edible oil replacement use. So baby can get comprehensive fatty acids.


How to choose edible oil?

For the food industry, further development is to adjust the structure, but also from Europe experience, they have oils for hypertension and diabetes people. Then the future may be refined, which may be the future efforts.

From production suppliers concerned, then, to take into account the structural problems, what do you give consumers. Diversity is the prerequisite and basis balance.

Another is to select a small package, not a bottle for a very long time, as soon as possible to use off, thus reducing the adverse material. Of course, from the industry in terms of blend oil is to be considered.


Sesame oil are divided into ground and machine-processed sesame seed oil

Ground sesame seed oil, also known as small grinding sesame oil. Sesame seeds as raw material, water processing system, with a strong distinctive flavor, it is good for flavoring oils. Water processing system in our country has more than 400 years of history. Sesame oil is mainly used adorned seasoning, is also the main characteristics of food materials some traditional pastries. In addition to domestic sales, there is a certain amount per year sold to Hong Kong and Macao and Southeast Asian countries.

Machine-processed sesame seed oil, sesame seeds as raw material, through a specific process, with machine-pressed to make, has a significant sesame oil flavor. According to national standards, it is divided into one and two grade.



Identification of edible oil by viscosity

Vegetable oil viscosity refers to the degree of viscous oil. Under less carbon atoms with a high degree of unsaturated fatty acids in the general situation in the oil group, the viscosity can be seen a little lower, but not much difference, such as the presence of an oxygen-containing acid oils, epoxy conjugate acid and oxidation polymer can increase the viscosity. Because of high temperature heating, oil oxidation polymerization, oil viscosity gradually increased, the level can be used as a measure index of the degree of deterioration of the cooking oil.


Identification of edible oil by smell and taste

According to its smell and taste, you can identify raw materials, methods, and refining degree; can determine the length of time the oil is stored, and whether the oxidative deterioration and rancidity. Generally clean, new oil processing, sniffing it has its normal peculiar smell and taste. But the refined cooking oil, because after vacuum deodorization treatment, the unique smell is removed, so the fat rendered fresh smell.

Identification of grease smell, usually at a temperature of 20 ℃, the grease dripping onto the palm, friction heat can sniff out odors, oxidation and rancidity of fats, obviously the rancid smell; generally directly with the tongue licking taste, oxidation and rancidity of fats with a spicy taste, rancid grease with serious odor.


Large bottles of cooking oil is easily oxidized metamorphic

Cooking oil should not be in long-term storage, particularly vulnerable arising from oxidative deterioration because of light, heat or seal leakage and other reasons, affecting human health.

Edible oil bottle or pail shelf life base on the mouth tightly closed containers not leak as a precondition, the shelf life greater than one year, are generally required to add antioxidants.

Cooking oil is every day to the entrance you'll feel, oxidation can lead to excessive fat sour, rancid grease can lead to human liver enlargement and stunted growth, accelerated aging; peroxide value seriously overweight, can cause diarrhea and other gastrointestinal side effects, may also induce cardiovascular, cancer and other diseases.


Do not eat the same kind of edible oil long-term

In addition to cooking oil per person per day not more than 25 grams, but not long-term consumption of an oil, usually an appropriate mix of some high-end edible oils, such as walnut oil, safflower oil, camellia oil or olive oil.

Specifically: eat 1.5kg peanut oil in this period, should be compatible with 0.5 kg walnut oil or safflower oil, and occasionally replace with high-end food and cooking oil can be effective in preventing cardiovascular disease.

For already suffering from coronary heart disease, cardiovascular disease, stroke and diabetes population, should use the high-end cooking oil as the main choice of oil daily.


It recommends the promotion of plastic bottles of cooking oil

Experts pointed out that all kinds of domestic edible oil, including domestic high-grade tea oil, safflower seed oil, plastic bottles for more. The reason why foreign general to use 500 ml small size of glass bottles of olive oil, is not to highlight its worth, but on everyday cooking habits, poured drops of olive oil is generally used on the table dipped, thick slender square glass bottle focus is safe and practical.

Experts suggest that, in view of waste recycling channels now almost rarely recycle glass bottles, glass waste generated in life are difficult to handle, so the switch to plastic bottles of various types of imported edible oil packaging undoubtedly is more practical significance. In addition, since such lecythus burst after the accident verified container quality is difficult to identify, difficult to consumer rights, in order to ensure safety and reduce unnecessary losses, when the current cooking oil if still use glass bottles, away from heat sources .
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Palm Kernel Cake Extraction Section Introduction

Palm kernel cake through horizontal scraper conveyor feed into the extractor deposit hopper and the deposit hopper material level set automatically.The material run a week in the extractor from the feed port to the discharge port to, between the inlet and outlet were spray mixed with decreasing concentrations of oil.

Before entering the drain section,through the fresh solvent spray shower drain,wet meal is discharged from the bottom of the extractor into the wet meal scraper,the rich mixture concentrated oil through the rich mixture pump into the spin liquid separator and mixing oil filter to remove oil meal into a clarification mixing oil and then into the mixing tank staging or directly to the evaporation system.

Find more about palm kernel expeller from www. palmoilmills.org.


Do not worry suspended solids of peanut oil

Any substance has a fixed physical and chemical characteristics. A substance by the temperature of the solid becomes liquid when called melting point, when the liquid into a solid called the freezing point, the two are the same value. Cooking oil is no exception, such as soybean oil freezing point -18-15 degrees Celsius, the freezing point of rapeseed oil -12-10 degrees Celsius, the freezing point of sunflower oil is -18-16 degrees Celsius, while peanut oil freezing point higher at 12 -15 degrees Celsius. Peanut oil solidification occurs at low temperatures, the semi-hardened phenomenon is its inherent characteristics.

Experts suggest that if consumers buy high-quality peanut oil, appear solid or floc is normal phenomenon, can be safe to eat. Consumers buy peanut oil, you can use a small glass install some peanut oil in 10 degrees Celsius water, to see if it will not appear flocculent suspended matter, if not, it means that it is not pure peanut oil.
edible oil
To find more palm kernel expeller to konw edible oil from www.palmoilmills.org.


Adverse effects on human health by eating too much animal oil

First, increase the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease.
Second, the brain damage, including closer relations with dementia.
Third, with certain types of cancer, such as colorectal cancer, the incidence of breast cancer related.
Fourth, it can reduce the response to insulin, so that may increase the risk of diabetes.
Fifth, it can promote the formation of oxygen free radicals, speed up the body to produce oxygen free radicals, and is caused by too much oxygen free radicals many diseases such as cardiovascular disease, an important reason for some cancers, premature aging, decreased immunity.
So, rich in saturated fats and meat animal oil, you must limit control. Experts believe that the daily calories from saturated fat should be less than 10% of total body heat.
edible oil


Senior Cooking Oil Refining Unit Main Equipment:

Neutralizing pot: used for acid, alkali refining and washing;
Decolorizing pot: used for bleaching oil and pigment;
Deodorization pot: used to remove grease smell (material: stainless steel);
Conduction oil furnace: provide heat energy, the temperature of 280 ℃
Vacuum pump: provide the vacuum degree necessary for the decoloration, deodorization, can reach up to more than 755 mmHG;
Air compressor: dryer bleaching clay;
Filter: filter clay;
Steam generator: produce steam for deodorization distillation.


Instruction of olive oil and tea oil

Olive oil

Its advantage is that monounsaturated fatty acid content of up to 70%. Research confirmed that while polyunsaturated fatty acids can reduce cholesterol, but it is easier to cause oxidative damage in the body, excessive consumption of the same is not conducive to good health; less susceptible to oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids, but easily lead to increased blood lipids. Monounsaturated fatty acids to avoid the adverse consequences of the two, and has good heat resistance. Olive oil can be used to cooking, can also be used cold, the drawback is vitamin E is relatively small.

Tea oil

More than 90% unsaturated fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids as much as 73%, a certain amount of vitamin E, useful in the prevention of cardiovascular disease. It is resistant to storage, high temperature, suitable for use as a cooking oil and frying oil.
palm oil
See more details about palm oil mill from: www.palmoilmills.org


How to eat oil in a scientific way?

Grease is one of the six elements of the human body, essential substances of the body's growth and development and life-sustaining activities, and its main function is to provide the energy needed to dissolve fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, K. More importantly, it provides essential fatty acids.

From the nutritional point of view, the adoption of food to get fat needed by the body is more healthy than eating edible oil.

In daily life, mainly oil is for cooking food. Oil played a role in the conduction of heat in cooking, it is possible to improve the taste of dishes. Therefore, no intake of edible oil will not have much impact on health. On the contrary, many people tend to excessive intake of fat, which brings the health risks.

Because the human body needs only 25 to 30 grams of fat per day for the standard. In addition to culinary delights, in fact, we usually eat cake, bread, cookies and other foods which are also very rich in oil, an inattentive, body fat intake may be exceeded.

See more details about palm oil mill: www.palmoilmills.org


How to use bulk oil properly?

Vat package edible oil are relatively affordable, can be in the use of direct raw dump bucket for a lot of people, repeated openings likely to cause oxidative deterioration of oil, the oil is not easy to control.

How to do

The big barrels of oil poured into the cup with a lid or lecythus for everyday use, put the unused large barrels of oil in the shade, and tighten the lid.

See more details about palm oil machine: www.palmoilmills.org


How to reduce oil when making salad?

(1) Use oil-free or low-calorie sauce: You can use some of the fat absorption inhibition of salad dressing.

(2) cut into chunks ingredients as possible: If slicing process, it will also increase the surface area of food, increase oil consumption.

(3) fully washed lettuce: The spices can reduce fat absorption, make the salad taste cool light.

See more info about palm oil mill: www.palmoilmills.org


Patients with diabetes need to control the total amount of edible oil

Does not exceed 3 tablespoons per day. Total control is more important than species, but either oil, into the body have increased energy load. Each gram of fat vivo oxidation produces 9 kcal heat twice the weight of the protein and carbohydrate and other heat production. Therefore, cooking oil per person per day should be controlled at 15 to 30 grams (no more than 3 tablespoons).

Not only to control the volume, but also taking into account the various types of fatty acid intake. Should avoid or limit fat, whole foods, palm oil, coconut oil and fried foods; food cholesterol intake should be less than 300 mg / day.
See more info about palm oil mill:www.palmoilmills.org


How To Store Oil In Everyday Life

Storing oil needs to grasp a principle: Keep away from these promoting factors: oxygen in the air, light, heat, and metal ions and water.

Specifically how to do it:

① buy a small package oil, according to Chinese dietary guidelines recommend a daily fuel consumption of 25-30g, used for One and half months of a finish is appropriate;

② if large package of oil, you can choose the oil into the oil control pot, and then a big bottle sealed with tape, placed in a cool dark place, and it's best to be finished within three months;

③ If you choose to dispensing vial, packed into a clean vial, the bottle should be dry, not with water, the preferred brown glass bottles;

④ place the oil away from the stove, especially when cooking. Booing oil, people are used to placed next to the stove, such as repeated exposure to high temperatures and fire to save oil it is also a disadvantage;

⑤ when buy oil, choose the one with more recent production date, the closer of production date, the more fresh.

Find more about palm oil mill machine from www.palmoilmills.org


Eat Peanuts And Peanut Oil Can Reduce Blood Fat And Cholesterol

Peanuts in China are also called "Changsheng Guo", in foreign countries has been regarded as a health food. Peanut oil is very rich in oleic acid, linoleic acid, content of up to 50% -80%. Oleic acid can make the body high cholesterol and bad cholesterol decrease without reducing or relative increase in the beneficial cholesterol.

A clinical trial from American diets Metabolism Research Center at Pennsylvania State University showed:

Peanut oil and peanut products can reduce the probability of occurrence of cardiovascular disease by 21%. This result suggests that peanut meal, peanut and peanut butter diet can play an effective role in the prevention of cardiovascular disease.More about palm oil mill plant: www.palmoilmills.org

How To Use Cooking Oil To Put Out a Fire In Pan?

Pour the edible oil into pan to heat, ten minutes later, there began to be a lot of smoke and burned. Turn off the fire, the oil still burning, then slowly poured the oil into the pan along the edge and the magic scene emerged: the original flames burning fiercely began to extinguish. Results of the experiment are: edible oil can put out the fire, but slowly poured along the edge of the pan. What is the principle of it?

Low temperature oil to cover, can rapidly reduce the temperature inside the pan, when the oil temperature falls below the ignition point, the fire will be extinguished. This method is effective, but the longer the time spent.

Once the home pan on fire, we first need to shut down the stove, and then use the vegetable, pot cover to put out the fire. A small amount of water not only can work, but will make the fire larger, very dangerous.
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Eating Olive Oil Only Is Not Good

Because of the relatively small production of olive oil, which is imported, the price will rise up. Of course, olive oil has many advantages, for example, it can soften the blood vessels, can play a preventive effect on heart and cerebrovascular diseases, can also reduce blood sugar levels in people with diabetes, can promote the growth of epithelial tissue, can be used for burn wounds protection without leaving scars. Olive oil is high in vitamin content, rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

Nevertheless, it can not just eat olive oil, vegetable oil each has its own unique, therefore, the best option is to eat various vegetable oils. Other vegetable oils such as sunflower oil, soybean oil and corn oil are also the best. They are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which can enhance the body's immune system, improve skin condition and accelerate ulcer healing, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, is necessary material for the normal operation of the brain.To know another related about palm oil mill plant.


Cooking Oil Crystallization Is a Normal Phenomenon In Winter

When winter comes, the temperature decreases, the market edible oils such as peanut oil, edible oil, etc. will be made dim, crystal and even precipitation phenomenon, which gives consumers confused. So what are these precipitated substances? It will affect the quality of the product? Are there adverse effects on the human body?

The general level of refined oil refining in the refining process to remove impurities, water, free fatty acids and other ingredients but also off except colloid, the viscosity of the oil drop, frost resistance is relatively worse; such as refined soybean oil level national standards 0℃ 5.5 hours floe does not appear as qualified; more than 5.5 hours, or the temperature is below 0℃ products may be because of the low temperatures will be crystal or precipitation, is a normal phenomenon.

Buy the regular manufacturers of qualified products meet the standard requirements, is the most secure and reliable consumer choice. Crystallization is not a quality judgment. Oil at low temperatures made hazy or crystal will not change the composition of the product, it will not change the nutritional value of oil. It is the physical phenomenon, which will not have any effect on the human body.

Olive Oil Cooking Should Be Classified

Extra virgin olive oil for salad, seasoned, marinated and short-term high-temperature cooking;

Refined olive oil has good stability, high smoke point, suitable for high temperature cooking.

Olive oil in reducing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases have help, its widespread use is the "Mediterranean diet" most prominent feature. Domestic consumers on the basis of soybean oil, rapeseed oil consumption of the traditional, diversified intake of edible oil, to get the balanced nutrition.

Find more about palm oil mill machine from www.palmoilmills.org


How To Store Edible Oil

For soybean oil, rapeseed oil, cooking oil, placed in the kitchen away from the stove desktop to work more than five weeks, the peroxide value exceeded the national standard. In other words, the light makes larger impact of these three oil . What about in the dark conditions? Whether at room temperature or at 40 ℃, soybean oil, rapeseed oil, cooking oil peroxide value increased slowly, will not exceed the national standard for 7 weeks.

Therefore, pay particular attention to prevent soybean oil, rapeseed oil and cooking oil from light.

For peanut oil and sunflower seed oil, light and temperature are sensitive factors. In light, the fourth week of sunflower oil, the third week of peanut oil, peroxide value will be over the national standard. In dark, when the temperature is 40 ℃ high, the value will be over more than GB in the fourth week..

Therefore, at the same time pay attention to dark and cryopreservation for sunflower oil and peanut oil.

For corn oil, light and temperature tolerance is the best. Only in extreme cases, 40 ℃ lighting, peroxide value exceeded after 6 weeks of use, relatively stable compared to other vegetable oils.

Thus, the sensitivity of different oils for light and temperature are not the same.

Sunflower oil and peanut oil should be placed in a kitchen cabinet away from the stove;

Soybean oil, rapeseed oil, cooking oil are more sensitive to light, so try to put in the cabinets. See more about palm oil pressing machine.


Cold Pressing and Hot Pressing

Bacially, there are two methods in oil extracting, cold pressing and hot pressing. How do they work in the process of oil extracting?

The cold pressing do not need to heat oil bearing materials, low oil yield, light-colored crude oil, less impurity, retain the more nutrition of oil. Cold pressing is a kind of method which suit for that some not proper heating small breed oil seeds and health care oil.

The hot pressing need to heat oil bearing seeds (steaming and frying), high yield, which is the common method.

A feature of hot pressing is high oil yield, but the oil is less bright than the oil through cold pressing. The oil raw material through cold press which was pressed directly not use frying, the oil temperature is also very high when pressing, the same as hot pressing. Because the oil material was pressed directly, the oil was very clear.


Palm Oil Introduction

Palm oil is also known as saturated oil, because it contains 50% saturated fat. Pam oil consists of saturated fat, monounsaturated fat and polyunsaturated fat through blending. Human body owns high digestion and absorption of palm oil with high ratio of exceeding 97%. Different from other kinds of vegetable oils, palm oil itself does not contain cholesterol.

Palm oil is an important ingredient in fat, moderate property is a good material for the manufacture of food. It has the nature of high solid content, allowing food to avoid hydrogenation of glycerol and maintain stable and effective resistance to oxidation. It is also suitable for hot climates become good sauce pastry and bakery products. Palm oil is deeply popular in food industry.

Palm oil is rich in natural vitamin E and tocotrienols (600-1000mg/kg), carotenoids (500-700mg/kg) and linoleic acid (10%) is very beneficial to human health. Some researchers have studied separately for different races (Europe, America, Asia), the results showed that palm oil is an edible vegetable oil in full compliance with health needs.